Sunday, 29 June 2008

Sophia Trefusis & I discover a collection of stolen street lamps

Having considered the crime scene for a moment it actually appears these gas lamps were not in fact stolen but were in fact for sale. Another crime solved and more adventures to come. Sadly, by this point on the walk I was suffering compass problems and my position was known only to the gods and I am unable to provide a location of this shop. It is surprising easy to lose your bearings in SL.

Nar Duell on a wave of undulation

Nar Duell accompanied me across the straits between Nautilus and Corsica continents. Not much to report from the dark depths of the continental shelf but great place to find some virtual peace and quiet.

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

May pole dancing for Charity!

This is me performing traditional variation on maypole dancing that appears quite popular on the mainland. My kind hosts were very generous in their support RFL and appeared to enjoy my jig. Funky.

The Habitat Hobbit

The Habitat Hobbit

In a quiet corner of the SL shire, misted the rolling hills of the little folk, is the resource centre for a the habitat trust charity. Go there, save the shire, realm, nay the entire world from destruction by the dark forces....or something.